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The car accident may not have seemed especially serious or violent. You felt sore but did not feel it required a doctor’s examination.

Then, you feel nauseous and extremely fatigued. In the days after a crash, you must remain aware of any signs of illness or injury, especially since these symptoms may point to a traumatic brain injury. While most of these injuries occur due to a blow to the skull, an event that causes your head to shake violently may do the trick. Discover what a traumatic brain injury means for you now and in the future.

Subtle symptoms

After a crash, your body may send you subtle clues that there is something wrong. You may sleep all the time or not at all. Your vision may blur or your ears ring. All of these point to your brain misfiring due to an injury. Do not ignore these symptoms, especially if they accompany a headache that intensifies.

Brain injury

When the brain sustains an injury, either by impact or by shaking, it may take days or weeks to get back to normal. Only a doctor can diagnose and suggest a course of treatment for a traumatic brain injury. It is worth noting that in the most severe accidents, those in which a direct blow to the head occurs, the brain may suffer permanent damage. The long-term consequences may include:

  • Memory loss
  • Seizures
  • Paralysis
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Limited brain function

The most severe traumatic brain injuries lead to permanent disability and an early death. After a crash of any magnitude, you should receive a complete physical to ensure you do not have an underlying injury.